Organic Natural Food Store

Hawthorne Valley Association

Community Farm Volunteer Day

volunteers helping harvest kale at Hawthorne Valley Farm

Parents and community members are invited to join us for a Community Farm Volunteer Day to work alongside the farmers, make some new friends, and take in the awesome-ness of the farm where our students learn and play. For all your fun and good work, you will go home with a selection of biodynamic veggies

Fall CSA from Hawthorne Valley Farm

young child bringing juice boxes over to his mother in front of dairy fridges

Hawthorne Valley Farm is pleased to invite the community to sign up for a Fall CSA share. Get all the delicious end of summer/beginning of fall veggies to turn into all your favorite cool-weather comfort meals as the season transitions. CSA shares run through mid-December, and pick ups are at our Harlemville location on Fridays,

Community Work Day

Join the Vegetable Team for a Community Work Day on Wednesday, February 14 from 1:30-3pm. Meet at the Apple Tree by the School parking lot to walk over to the greenhouse on the Farm side of the street. This is a great opportunity to help the Farm prepare for spring, and connect with fellow community members.